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Hemorrhoids Treatments

Our Top 5 Hemorrhoid Treatments:

Our readers asked us to find the best hemorrhoids treatments available, so we evaluated scores of hemorrhoids treatment options, and found the top five hemorrhoids remedies. You can get rid of your hemorrhoids once and for all. Discover below the top rated hemorrhoids treatments on the market and which one took home the editor’s choice award. These hemorrhoids treatment products worked well for most of the consumers who were asked to provide feedback on their experience. In addition to consumer feedback, our editors took into consideration a wide range of other important factors:
  • 1. Effectiveness
  • 2. Speed of Results
  • 3. Quality of Ingredients
  • 4. Product Safety
  • 5. Customer Service
  • 6. Customer Feedback
  • 7. Reorder Rate
  • 8. Return Policy
  • 9. Success Rate
Top 5 Hemorrhoids Treatments HemClear Review
HemClear More Info
Avatrol Review
Avatrol More Info
Hem-Relief Review
HemRelief More Info
Venapro Review
Venapro More Info
Hem-b-gone Review
Heel-BHI More Info
Overal Rating: 98.2% 80.6% 78.8% 76.3% 63.9%
1. Effectiveness hemorrhoids stars hemorrhoids stars hemorrhoids stars hemorrhoids stars hemorrhoids stars
2. Speed of Results Fastest Fast Average Average Slow
3. Ingredients Quality Superior Good Superior Good ok
4. Product Safety Safe to Use Safe to Use Safe to Use Safe to Use Safe to Use
5. Customer Service hemorrhoids stars hemorrhoids stars hemorrhoids stars hemorrhoids stars hemorrhoids stars
6. Customer Satisfaction 98.4% 80.6% 78.1% 76.3% 63.1%
7. Reorder Rate Highest Good Good Average ?
8. Return Policy Risk Free Risk Free Risk Free Risk Free Risk Free
9. Success Rate 98.3% 79.3% 78.4% 75.8% 62.7%

Review of Hemorrhoid Treatments:

Best Hemorrhoid Treatments (in priority order):

#1 HemClear – More Information

HemClear Hemorrhoid Treatment Review
More Info

Approval Rating: 98.4%

Product Quality:

HemClear is our top recommended hemorrhoid treatment. It is formulated of all natural ingredients which have been researched and proven to eliminate hemorrhoids and their symptoms.  HemClear works through the bloodstream to shrink the blood vessels that cause hemorrhoids, effectively shrinking both internal and external hemorrhoids.  Each capsule contains more significant amounts of effective ingredients than any other hemorrhoid formula and has additional ingredients not found in other hemorrhoid treatments. Consumers reported the highest customer satisfaction rating of hemorrhoid treatments, scoring a 98.4% approval rate.

HemClear is formulated in a laboratory that is FDA-approved and GMP certified which is held to strict standards of quality assurance. HemClear works on both the internal and the external hemorrhoids. It stops the bleeding, itching and pain while it shrinks the swelling and eliminating hemorrhoids. There are no unwanted side effects, and it has been found safe for use by both men and also women of any age.  Hemorrhoid sufferers can feel confident in this hemorrhoid treatment as it boasts a 100% money back guarantee.


The real value of HemClear is in the package deals. HemClear offers 2 bottles free when you order 2 bottles, which comes to less than $25.00 a bottle for 4 bottles. They have additional discounts if you buy 3 and get 3 free as well.  For $25 each for 4 bottles, or $23.50 each for 6 treatments and guaranteed results, you cannot find a better deal.  In addition, HemClear offers a 60 day guarantee for your money back if you are not satisfied with the product.

Our Conclusion:

HemClear is the most effective hemorrhoid treatment on the market. Consumers reported that it as effective and the product has a very high rate of positive feedback. HemClear’s price is affordable and customers report that it works.

#2 Avatrol – More Information

Approval Rating: 80.6%

Product Quality:

Avatrol is manufactured by Progressive Health Nutraceuticals. Its ingredients are different to most hemorrhoid treatments on the market, apart from Venapro, our #4 treatment. Avatrol contains some of the same natural ingredients found in other remedies. It is taken in capsule form with a concentration of horse chestnut ingredient. Unlike some of the other treatments, the doses recommended will require you to stay on this treatment for a while, therefore prolonging the healing process. They recommend using their formula for a minimum of 45 – 60 days.


Avatrol costs 45.95 for one treatment cycle and 137.85 for four treatments. The price for one bottle is average for a hemorrhoid treatment, but the four treatment cycle is considered expensive.

Our Conclusion:

If Avatrol managed to strengthen the formula to cut its healing time and lower costs, it would perform much better in our ratings. No side effects were complained about.  But it is a different kind of treatment than some of the others we tested. The cost was reasonable, although the recommended length of time needed was higher than most.

#3 Hem-Relief – More Information

Approval Rating: 78.1%

Product Quality:

Hem-Relief is a formidable contender in the battle to treat hemorrhoids.  It combines 3 strong hemorrhoid fighting ingredients to help with hemorrhoid relief. Although it has three of the most important ingredients, it is still lacking in several others. One of the main reasons why Hem-Relief is in the #3 position is that lack of ingredients. Hem-Relief has about one third the ingredients of our top hemorrhoid treatments. Although the ingredients were a little simplistic for our preference, we found  the customer service to be excellent.


For a discounted package price of $119.80, Hem-Relief is $30 more for its 4 bottle special than HemClear. Although, Hem-Relief’s one bottle price is only $39.95. We found that for most of these products, one bottle is not enough. Therefore, you really need to look at the value in terms of package deals.

Our Conclusion:

As a simple hemorrhoids treatment Hem-Relief is good. While we found that the price was high for the low ingredient count, we did find their customer service helpful. Most consumers felt that it did relieve some of the pain, and sometimes the bleeding.

#4 Venapro More Information

Approval Rating: 76.3%

Product Quality:

Venpro is a homeopathic medication designed to relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids. It helps to relieve the itching and swelling. It can be quite effective in helping the symptoms, but it is not sold as a product that eliminates hemorrhoids completely.  Consumers reported a 76.3% customer satisfaction rating. This medication is sprayed twice under the tongue 3 times a day with a formula that contains 26% alcohol and purified water. If you do not like the taste of the alcohol, you can mix it with more water. No significant side effects have been reported, and customers reported there was relief from itching and discomfort caused by hemorrhoids.


The homeopathic ingredients work over a period of time. You are expected to take Venpro for a number of months. One treatment alone is 1 month. Venapro sells for $49.95 a bottle or 119.95 for a 4 treatment supply..

Our Conclusion:

Venapro has potential, and will work over a period of a couple months. The product, being a homeopathic spray, made it very different from the other formulas.

#5 Heel-BHI More Information


Approval Rating: 63.1%

Product Quality:

Heel BHI is a different treatment to many of the hemorrhoid treatments available on the market. Its main purpose is for temporary relief of itching and burning in the area of the rectum. It is not formulated to get rid of hemorrhoids like the other products in our top treatments. But it should make the effects of hemorrhoids more manageable and can relieve some of the symptoms associated with hemorrhoids.


For one bottle, Heel-BHI is definitely the cheapest of the hemorrhoid treatments we found, but maybe there’s a reason for that. Most likely you will need more than one bottle to help relieve some of the symptoms, and it only seems to relieve symptoms, not clear the hemorrhoids.

Our Conclusion:

Even though the price is low for one bottle, it may not work for everyone. Its low ingredient count make this product at the bottom of our Top 5 hemorrhoids treatment list.